
Become part of the festival and grow your business

Thank you for your application!

Don’t forget that only signed and returned copies of contract with full payment will be considered. Mail us the signed copy of the Vendors’ Rules Contract and a cheque for the full amount of payment. Address and payment instructions are in Section B of the Vendors’ Rules Contract.

Vendors Paypal Options: FOOD VENDORS

Early registration $1,200.00   Buy Now Button
Late registration $1,300.00 Buy Now Button


Vendors Paypal Options: ARTS & CRAFTS
Early registration $500.00  Buy Now Button
Late registration $600.00 Buy Now Button


Vendors Paypal Options: ORGANIZATIONS
Early registration $150.00  Buy Now Button
Late registration $250.00 Buy Now Button


OTHER OPTIONS – Please select
Tent (10′ x 10′) – $350.00  Buy Now Button
Table & 2 Chairs – $60.00  Buy Now Button
Electricity – $110.00  Buy Now Button